In this issue of Beacondigest, in addition to our recurring analysis of network metrics we also aim to analyze strategic considerations in the setting of Proof-of-Stake Ethereum Staking through the concept of Oceanic Games. The notion was first put forth by J.W Milnor and L.S Shapley in 1978. It has since then been used to study decision-making strategies especially in weighted voting systems. The concept was adapted to Blockchain mining by researchers Nikos Leonardos, Stefanos Leonardos and Georgios Piliouras in their paper Oceanic Games: Centralization Risks and Incentives in Blockchain Mining.
In this notebook we extend this analysis to Eth staking to estimate the values per unit resources for major staking "entities".
The outline of this notebook is as follows:
The first question we aim to answer is, what are oceanic games? In the context of corporate governance, they are a class of games that involve two types of players:
The main focus while analyzing such games is to measure the value of an entity for each unit of resource given the distribution of resources among shareholders.
As seen commonly in scientific literature the value of a resource has a lot more to it than just the amount of resource that are in one's possession.
For example, in the context of Blockchain mining: Consider a party having access to 51% of all mining resources vs one having access to 49% of all mining resources. While the difference is only 2%, the possession in the first case is more valuable as now the party has complete control over the Blockchain. This can be extended to the case where many miners collude with each other: If a miner has access to 49% of all mining resources and another miner 2%, their combined possession is worth more than if the first miner had access to only 47% of the total resources.
Thus, the aim of our analysis is to measure the value of resources needed for staking on the Beacon Chain per unit resource for major staking entities and the ocean of small validators.
These major staking entities can be thought of as PoS parallels to mining pools under Proof-of-Work (PoW).
Without going too much into the technical details, here is the overview of the Oceanic Games model:
Stakers: They refer to the block proposers and validators that take part in the PoS consensus after making their initial deposit of 32 ETH. Stakers are made up of two important components:
Resources: Refers to the native cryptocurrency (ETH) deposited by stakers to take part in PoS consensus. In our analysis, we measure resources in terms of the fraction of staked ether that an entity controls.
Now for the interesting portion of the notebook, applying the model on Ethereum PoS consensus! The first step would be to identify the stakers, both the major stakers and the ocean as well as the resources they possess.
But the first stage, as always, is data collection. We collect data pertaining to the eth1 deposits made by the first 163400 validators who were activated using's API. We then identify which entities control large portions of the total ETH staked on the Beacon Chain
#Import all the modules
import requests
import json
import csv
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from time import *
import as px
import as pio
pd.options.plotting.backend = "plotly"
pio.renderers.default = "plotly_mimetype+notebook_connected"
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import math
# validator_staking = {}
# with open('api_key.txt', 'r') as api_file:
# api_key =
# for i in range(0,163399,100):
# str1 = ''
# for j in range(99):
# str1 = str1 + str(i+j) + ','
# str1 = str1 + str(i+99)
# x = requests.get('{}/deposits?api_key={}'.format(str1, api_key))
# #Add a sleep to stay within the call rate limits
# sleep(6)
# data = x.json()['data']
# for t in data:
# if(validator_staking.get(t['from_address']) != None):
# validator_staking[t['from_address']] += t['amount']
# else:
# validator_staking[t['from_address']] = t['amount']
# with open('api_key.txt', 'r') as api_file:
# api_key =
# x = requests.get('{}/deposits?api_key={}'.format(163400, api_key))
# t = x.json()['data']
# if(validator_staking.get(t['from_address']) != None):
# validator_staking[t['from_address']] += t['amount']
# else:
# validator_staking[t['from_address']] = t['amount']
# #Writing the dictionaries to csv files
# with open('staking_pools.csv','w') as result_file:
# wr = csv.writer(result_file, dialect='excel')
# for key, value in validator_staking.items():
# wr.writerow([key,value])
df = pd.read_csv('staking_pools.csv', header= None, names = ["address","stake"])
df['percentage_stake'] = (df['stake']/df['stake'].sum())
28934 0.1770746634026928
At this point, we see a very interesting result! When we look into the wallet addresses of the deposit contracts that were used to activate 163400 validators, we notice that only 28934 distinct wallet addresses activated these validators. This means that only about 17.7% of these deposits were made by unique addresses.
sorted_df = df.sort_values('percentage_stake',ascending=False)
sorted_df.insert(1, 'ID', range(1, 1 + len(df)))
sorted_df = sorted_df[sorted_df.columns[1:4]]
ID stake percentage_stake 3345 1 728160000000000 0.139110 5012 2 113920000000000 0.021764 2479 3 82848000000000 0.015828 9722 4 77920000000000 0.014886 1153 5 64032000000000 0.012233 4824 6 55008000000000 0.010509 601 7 48768000000000 0.009317 5870 8 48736000000000 0.009311 4789 9 45120000000000 0.008620 22874 10 44192000000000 0.008443
The above table captures the 10 wallet addresses arranged in the descending order of the percentage of staked ether they possess. [The addresses have not been displayed for the sake of the privacy of these entities]. We consider the first 6 entities to be atomic players or major stakers since they control more than 1% of all the ETH staked. The remaining ones are considered to be oceanic.
Out of these 6 entities, only 2 have public tags to their wallet address from which we can deduce which institution they represent. The first one that controls 13.9% is the US-based exchange Kraken, and the third largest one that controls about 1.58% of the network belongs to the financial institution Bitcoin Suisse.
Using this initial distribution we can now try and estimate the values per unit resource for the 6 major staking entities and the entirety of the ocean. For this, we first used the publicly available ssocean software to find the ssindices of the atomic and non-atomic player and we finally divide this by the amount of resources they each possess to find their values per unit resource.
ss_index = [0.161317,0.021623,0.015633,0.014690,0.012041,0.010327,0.764370]
resource_percentage = [0.139110,0.021764,0.015828,0.014886,0.012233,0.010509,0.785700]
value_per_unit_resource = []
for i in range(7):
x_axis = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import plotly.graph_objects as go
fig = make_subplots(
rows=1, cols=2,
subplot_titles=["Value per unit resource", "Percentage of resource owned by entities"]
go.Scatter(x=x_axis, y=value_per_unit_resource, name="Value per unit resource"),
row=1, col=1
go.Scatter(x=x_axis, y=[r * 100 for r in resource_percentage], name="Percentage of resource"),
row=1, col=2
title_text="Big stakers and the ocean: statistics"
row=1, col=1,
tickmode="array", tickvals=np.arange(1,8), ticktext=["Largest staker", "2nd largest", "3rd", "4th", "5th", "6th", "Ocean"]
row=1, col=2,
tickmode="array", tickvals=np.arange(1,8), ticktext=["Largest staker", "2nd largest", "3rd", "4th", "5th", "6th", "Ocean"]
Hence, the results clearly reveal that the higher the resource, the higher the value per unit resource which is consistent with the findings of .
1) We make an assumption that among 163400 the number of deactivated validators are minimal and are negligible. In reality there have been about 140 validators who have successfully exited and another 140 who have been slashed. Thus they make up close to 0.17% of the total population of the validators we've considered.
2) In this notebook, we classify "entities" based on their eth1 address. In reality however it can be possible that a single entity can make deposits with more than one eth1 address. The logical next step to this analysis is to identify all the addresses that belong to a single entity and further aggregate them. We will do so in the subsequent notebooks.
We also continue our running analysis of the Beacon Chain through the lens of our 5 metrics. In this notebook, we take a look at epochs 39121 - 42211 ( May 24th, 8:54AM GMT to June 7th, 2:30AM GMT). As always we start off with collecting data and processing the data.
files = ["attestor_slashing", "proposer_slashing", "block_count", "participation_rate", "exit_count", "deposits"]
dfs = []
for file in files:
df = pd.read_csv(f"{file}.csv", header=None, names=["epoch", file])
df.dropna(subset=["epoch"], inplace=True)
dfs += [df[[file]]] # We don't want the epoch column
df = pd.concat([df[["epoch"]]] + dfs, axis=1) # Concat everything, with the epoch column first
df["participation_rate"] *= 100 # Set to percentages
df = df[df.epoch < max(df["epoch"])] # Remove last epoch (queried too soon)
df["epoch"] = df["epoch"].astype(int)
rng = np.random.default_rng(42)
df['temp'] = rng.uniform(0, 10, len(df["epoch"]))
fig = px.scatter(
df[df.attestor_slashing > 0], x = 'epoch', y = 'temp', size = 'attestor_slashing',
size_max = 20, width = 800, height = 400, labels = {"epoch": "Epoch"})
fig.update_xaxes(range=(min(df["epoch"]), max(df["epoch"])))
fig = px.scatter(
df[df.proposer_slashing > 0], x = 'epoch', y = 'temp', size = 'proposer_slashing',
size_max = 20, width = 800, height = 400, labels = {"epoch": "Epoch"})
fig.update_xaxes(range=(min(df["epoch"]), max(df["epoch"])))
Thus, we see that there have been 3 attester slashing events that occured at epochs 41335, 41342 and 42135 where one attester was slashed in each event.
There were also 0 proposer slashing events in this range of epochs.
bucket_size = 200
df["bucket"] = np.floor_divide(df["epoch"], bucket_size)
df["n_bxs"] = 1
df_bucket = df[["bucket", "block_count", "n_bxs"]].groupby(["bucket", "block_count"]).sum("n_bxs").reset_index()
df_bucket["epoch"] = df_bucket.bucket.apply(
lambda bucket: f"{max(min(df['epoch']), bucket * bucket_size)}-{min(max(df['epoch']), (bucket + 1) * bucket_size)}"
fig = px.scatter(df_bucket, x = 'epoch', y = 'block_count', size = 'n_bxs',
width=600, height=400, labels={ "block_count": "Blocks produced", "epoch": "Epoch", "n_bxs": "Count" },
title = f"Block count in intervals of {bucket_size} epochs")
# fig.update_layout(xaxis=dict(
# tickmode = 'array',
# tickvals = df_bucket['epoch'],
# ticktext = [str(int(s)) for s in df_bucket['epoch']]
# ))
block_freq = df[['block_count']].value_counts(normalize=True).rename_axis('block_count').reset_index(name='freq')
block_freq["freq"] *= 100
block_freq, x="block_count", y="freq", labels={"block_count": "Blocks per epoch", "freq": "Frequency (%)"},
width=600, height=400
As we see from the plot and the statistics above, the proposed block counts for most epochs continues to be 32. This shows that overall the network is performing well. However, this time the frequency with which the number of proposed blocks fell down to 29-30 is higher and there was even one epoch when this number fell down to 27.
The network also seems to have performed "worse" in the period between epoch 41100 to 41500 and epoch 39500 to 39900 and "better" in the period between epoch 40300 to 40700.
bins = pd.IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(i,i+1) for i in range(int(min(df["participation_rate"])), 100)][::-1])
df["participation_bin"] = pd.cut(df["participation_rate"], bins)
df_bucket = df[["bucket", "participation_bin", "n_bxs"]].groupby(["bucket", "participation_bin"]).sum("n_bxs").reset_index()
epoch_names = df_bucket.bucket.apply(
lambda bucket: f"{max(min(df['epoch']), bucket * bucket_size)}-{min(max(df['epoch']), (bucket + 1) * bucket_size)}"
df_bucket["epoch"] = epoch_names
df_bucket = df_bucket[["participation_bin", "n_bxs", "epoch"]].pivot(index="participation_bin", columns=["epoch"])
labels=dict(x="Epochs", y="Participation rate", color="Frequency"),
x = sorted(list(set(epoch_names))),
y = [str(s) for s in np.flip(np.arange(int(min(df["participation_rate"])), 100))],
mean = df['participation_rate'].mean()
std = df['participation_rate'].std()
mini = min(df['participation_rate'])
median = df['participation_rate'].quantile(0.5)
maxi = max(df['participation_rate'])
print(" participation statistics")
print("mean: {}".format(mean))
print("standard devidation: {}".format(std))
print("minimum: {}".format(mini))
print("median: {}".format(median))
print("maximum: {}".format(maxi))
participation statistics ----------------------------------------------- mean: 99.0554344742395 standard devidation: 0.823213998659587 minimum: 93.9082325 median: 99.3405521 maximum: 99.7540593
The above statistics are, as last time, signs of a healthy network!
At around 40800 the participation rate fell and gradually went back up, peaking towards the end!
The lowest participation rate for this range of epochs was around 94% and was recorded at epoch 41446. For most epochs however, the participation rate was >99%.
px.line(x=df['epoch'], y=df['exit_count'], labels = {"x": "Epoch", "y": "Number of exits"}, title = "Number of voluntary exits")
Thus, we see that there have been no exits among validators in this range of epochs.
fig = px.scatter(
df[df.deposits > 0], x = 'epoch', y = 'temp', size = 'deposits',
size_max = 20, width = 800, height = 400, labels = {"epoch": "Epoch"})
The trend of having a handful of descrete epochs during which multiple validators were activated at once still holds for this range of epochs as well.
In general the number of validators activated during the first half is significantly higher.
As seen in the previous section, the fact that 163400 validators were activated by just 28934 distinct wallets is strong evidence in favour of the hypothesis presented in the last notebook-that most of these large deposits were made by the same entity. But this cannot be confirmed without looking deeper into the data.