In this issue of Beacondigest, the main theme is to try and quantify and measure the extent of decentralization in the PoS Ethereum system. We begin by introducing three metrics which are used to measure the levels of inequality in a system - Gini coefficient, Nakamoto coefficient and the Herfindahl–Hirschman index. We then use these metrics to calculate the extent of decentralization in PoS Ethereum and build some intuition on what these measures indicate.
Finally, we conclude with the recurring portion of our biweekly notebooks - assessing the health of the network.
As we explored earlier, a significant portion of the ETH staked on the Beacon Chain is concentrated in the hands of a few major entities. These entities include large staking pools, exchanges and whales. Some of the significant ones include:
1) Kraken: They are a United States-based cryptocurrency exchange. One of the services that the exchange offers its users is asset staking, where the exchange uses the coins deposited by its users to stake on the Beacon Chain through a handful of trusted node operators. The staking rewards are then shared between users, node operators and the exchange itself.
2) Binance: They are another centralized cryptocurrency exchange where asset staking works in a manner similar to Kraken. Major differences in the two platforms include differences in platform fees, return rates and lock-in periods.
3) Lido: As we saw in the previous notebook, Lido is a staking protocol that aims to provide liquidity to its users through its novel ERC20 token - stETH which is pegged 1:1 on ETH deposited by users that stake using the Lido protocol.
Thus, to get a clear idea on just how much staked ETH these major entities control, we first look into the distribution of deposits among the 14 largest entities. We get this from the data that we previously scraped for our Oceanic Games analysis.
import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install tabulate
from tabulate import tabulate
from web3 import Web3
import json
import requests
import csv
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from time import *
import as px
import as pio
pd.options.plotting.backend = "plotly"
pio.renderers.default = "plotly_mimetype+notebook_connected"
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import math
import warnings
staking_pools = pd.read_csv('staking_pools.csv')
nan_value = float("NaN")
staking_pools.replace("", nan_value, inplace=True)
staking_pools.dropna(subset = ["Service"], inplace=True)
df = pd.read_csv('staking_pools.csv')
df['Percentage Stake'] = (df['Stake']/df['Stake'].sum())
nan_value = float("NaN")
df.replace("", nan_value, inplace=True)
df.dropna(subset = ["Service"], inplace=True)
df2 = df
lst = df2.index[df['Stake'] > 0].tolist()
d = {}
for i in lst:
if(d.get(df2['Service'][i]) != None):
d[df2['Service'][i]] += df2['Percentage Stake'][i]
d[df2['Service'][i]] = df2['Percentage Stake'][i]
df2 = pd.DataFrame(d.items())
df2.rename(columns = {0: "service", 1: "percentage_stake"}, inplace=True)
df2 = df2.sort_values('percentage_stake',ascending=False)
df1 = df2.head(14)
dict_append = {'service': 'Others', 'percentage_stake': 1- df1['percentage_stake'].sum()}
#df1 = df1.append(dict_append, ignore_index=True)
service | percentage_stake | |
0 | Kraken | 0.145224 |
1 | Binance | 0.057429 |
2 | Whale | 0.041999 |
3 | Lido | 0.035372 |
4 | Bitcoin Suisse | 0.033422 |
5 | | 0.025786 |
6 | Stakefish | 0.021061 |
7 | Huobi | 0.016219 |
8 | Defi | 0.012037 |
9 | Stkr | 0.009317 |
10 | Bitfinex | 0.007874 |
11 | OKEX | 0.005955 |
12 | Piedao | 0.004341 |
13 | Cream | 0.003882 |
14 | Others | 0.580082 |
fig = px.pie(df1, values='percentage_stake', names='service', labels = {'service': 'Service', 'percentage_stake': 'Percentage'}, title = 'Major staking entities and the % of staked ETH they control')
In traditional economics, the Gini coefficient or the Gini index is a measure of wealth inequalities that exist within a given population.
The Lorenz curve is essentially the graph that is obtained from plotting the cumulative % of the population to the cumulative % of wealth or participation. The basic concept is put forth in this diagram below [Also explained in more detail with 2 examples later in the same section]:
(figure by [Matthew John](
Subsequently, the formula to calculate the Gini coefficient is as follows [Also explained in more detail with 2 examples later in the same section]:
(figure by [Balaji Srinivasan](
In order to calculate the decentralization of Blockchain systems, the notion of wealth inequality can be compared to inequalities in the distribution of block rewards for block proposers and the population can be compared to active validators in ETH staking.
To get a better understanding of this metric let us consider the following 2 examples:
1) CASE 1: Consider a situation where there are 10 staking entities which control equal amounts of ETH staked in the Beacon Chain. Thus according to the specs, all block proposer rewards should be split equally among them.
2) CASE 2: Consider a situation where there are 10 staking entities among which one entity controls almost all (around 99%) the ETH staked in the Beacon Chain. Thus, most of the block proposer rewards should go to validators that belong to that entity, and in a given timeframe it can be argued that it is likely that all blocks produced in that timeframe are by proposers belonging to this entity.
The Lorenz curve for these two situations would look something like this:
#In order to run this chunk of code please run the blocks of code contaning the function definitions first (later in the notebook)
list_case_1 = np.array([1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1])
list_case_2 = np.array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1])
lorenz_curve_case_1 = lorenz(list_case_1)
lorenz_curve_case_2 = lorenz(list_case_2)
fig = px.line(y = lorenz_curve_case_1, x = lorenz_curve_case_1, title = "ETH Staking Decentralization in Case 1 (Lorenz Curve)", labels = {"x": "Cumulative Fraction of ETH Block Proposers", "y": "Cumulative Fraction of Blocks Produced"})
#fig.add_scatter(x = [0,1], y = [0,1], name = "Line of Decentralization")
fig = px.line(y = lorenz_curve_case_2 , x = lorenz_curve_case_1, title = "ETH Staking Decentralization in Case 2 (Lorenz Curve)", labels = {"x": "Cumulative Fraction of ETH Block Proposers", "y": "Cumulative Fraction of Blocks Produced"})
fig.add_scatter(x = [0,1], y = [0,1], name = "Line of Decentralization")
Thus, we can conclude that in case 1 which depicts a scenario of perfect decentralization, the Lorenz curve is essentially a 45-degree line (Coincides with the line of decentralization) and in case 2 which depicts a scenario of total centralization, the curve becomes almost a vertical line. The corresponding Gini coefficients would be as given below:
table_gini = [['Gini coefficient for Case 1', gini(list_case_1)]]
print(tabulate(table_gini, tablefmt='fancy_grid'))
table_gini = [['Gini coefficient for Case 2', gini(list_case_2)]]
print(tabulate(table_gini, tablefmt='fancy_grid'))
╒═════════════════════════════╤═══╕ │ Gini coefficient for Case 1 │ 0 │ ╘═════════════════════════════╧═══╛ ╒═════════════════════════════╤══════════╕ │ Gini coefficient for Case 2 │ 0.888889 │ ╘═════════════════════════════╧══════════╛
In order to find the Gini coefficient and plot the Lorenz curve to measure the extent of decentralization in PoS Ethereum, we start off with collecting the data on the number of blocks proposed by different validators in the range of epochs 50445 - 50995 (this represents 550 epochs).
We then trace back the execution layer addresses of the entities that activated these validators using deposits of 32 ETH. We further compare to which entity this address belongs to (if any) using the staking pools mini-database we compiled for our previous analysis.
# proposer_list = []
# with open('api_key.txt', 'r') as api_file:
# api_key =
for epoch in range(50445,50995):
x = requests.get('{}/blocks?api_key={}'.format(epoch, "dDQvWWNGZzhxaTlZRC5id01rT1gu"))
#Add a sleep to stay within the call rate limits
data = x.json()['data']
for i in data:
# with open('proposer_indices.csv', 'w', newline='') as myfile:
# wr = csv.writer(myfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
# wr.writerow(proposer_list)
with open('proposer_indices.csv', newline='') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
data = list(reader)
Thus in this range of epochs, 17505 blocks were produced.
staking_entities = []
indices_list = []
for i in range(0,len(data[0]) + 1, 100):
str1 = ''
if i<=17400:
for j in range(99):
str1 = str1 + str(data[0][i+j]) + ','
str1 = str1 + str(data[0][i+99])
# str1 = str1 + str(i+j) + ','
# str1 = str1 + str(i+99)
for j in range(5):
str1 = str1 + str(data[0][i+j]) + ','
str1 = str1 + str(data[0][i+4])
# str1 = str1 + str(i+j) + ','
# str1 = str1 + str(i+4)
# x = requests.get('{}/deposits?api_key={}'.format(str1, "dDQvWWNGZzhxaTlZRC5id01rT1gu"))
# #Add a sleep to stay within the call rate limits
# sleep(6)
# data = x.json()['data']
# for t in data:
# staking_entities.append(t['from_address'])
for i in indices_list:
x = requests.get('{}/deposits?api_key={}'.format(i, "dDQvWWNGZzhxaTlZRC5id01rT1gu"))
#Add a sleep to stay within the call rate limits
data = x.json()['data']
for t in data:
# with open('proposer_addresses.csv', 'w', newline='') as myfile:
# wr = csv.writer(myfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
# wr.writerow(staking_entities)
with open('proposer_addresses.csv', newline='') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
data = list(reader)
data = data[0]
df = df[['Address','Service']]
address_list = df.values.tolist()
address_dict = {}
for i in address_list:
address_dict[i[0]] = i[1]
gini_dict = {}
for i in data:
if i in address_dict:
if address_dict[i] in gini_dict:
gini_dict[address_dict[i]] += 1
gini_dict[address_dict[i]] = 1
if i in gini_dict:
gini_dict[i] += 1
gini_dict[i] = 1
def gini(array):
array = array.flatten()
array = np.sort(array)
index = np.arange(1,array.shape[0]+1)
n = array.shape[0]
return ((np.sum((2 * index - n - 1) * array)) / (n * np.sum(array)))
gini_input = list(gini_dict.values())
gini_input = np.array(gini_input)
table_gini = [['Gini coefficient', gini(gini_input)]]
print(tabulate(table_gini, tablefmt='fancy_grid'))
╒══════════════════╤══════════╕ │ Gini coefficient │ 0.688628 │ ╘══════════════════╧══════════╛
We thus calculate the Gini coefficient of the PoS Ethereum system to be roughly around 0.689. This is an indication of a more serious gap among staking entities with regards to the resources they possess.
To build a more concrete understanding of this value, a Gini score of 0.689 would essentially mean that if we take any two staking entities at random, the difference in block rewards they posses is expected to be 1.37 times the mean.
However an important point to note here is that there are two reasons for wealth inequality - Non-utilitarian resource allocation and Power concentration. Measuring inequality using the Gini Coefficient does not give a clear picture on which component is making the system more inequal or equal.
In proof of stake systems, we are very interested in measuring power concentration for which the HHI becomes a very good measure to use. (Explored later in this notebook)
When we plot the Lorenz curve, we get the following plot
def lorenz(arr):
arr = np.sort(arr)
scaled_prefix_sum = arr.cumsum() / arr.sum()
return np.insert(scaled_prefix_sum, 0, 0)
lorenz_curve = lorenz(gini_input)
fig = px.line(x = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, lorenz_curve.size) , y = lorenz_curve, title = "ETH Staking Decentralization (Lorenz Curve)", labels = {"x": "Cumulative Fraction of ETH Block Proposers", "y": "Cumulative Fraction of Blocks Produced"})
fig.add_scatter(x = [0,1], y = [0,1], name = "Line of Decentralization")
We observe a significant deviation from the 45-degree line, indicating a decently high level of centralization.
The Nakamoto coefficient, as presented in the paper Measuring Decentralization in Bitcoin and Ethereum using Multiple Metrics and Granularities . By definition, the Nakamoto coefficient simply is the minimum number of entities needed to collude to take control of 51% of the ETH staked on the network.
It can be calculated using the formula:
$$N = min( k \in [1,2,...K]: \sum_{i=1}^{k} p_{i} \geq 0.51) ,$$where $p_{i}$ represents the percentage of blocks produced by entity $i$ and $K$ is the total number of entities in the system.
We use the same data we collected while calculating the Gini coefficient after selecting only the columns relavant to us ("Proposer" and "Number of Blocks Proposed") and adding another column ("Percentage Proposed").
We then plot a pie chart that represents the 10 major entities that proposed the most number of blocks during the given range of epochs.
nakamoto_df = pd.DataFrame(gini_dict.items(), columns = ["Proposer", "Number of Blocks Produced"])
nakamoto_df['Percentage Proposed'] = (nakamoto_df['Number of Blocks Produced']/nakamoto_df['Number of Blocks Produced'].sum())
nakamoto_df = nakamoto_df.sort_values(by='Percentage Proposed', ascending=False)
display_nakamoto = nakamoto_df[['Proposer', 'Percentage Proposed']]
display_nakamoto = display_nakamoto.head(10)
dict_append = {'Proposer': 'Others', 'Percentage Proposed': 1- display_nakamoto['Percentage Proposed'].sum()}
display_nakamoto = display_nakamoto.append(dict_append, ignore_index=True)
fig = px.pie(display_nakamoto, values='Percentage Proposed', names='Proposer', title = '% of proposed blocks by top 10 entities')
In order to measure the extent of decentralization in PoS Ethereum using this metirc, we thus find the minimum number of parties needed to collude to control > 33%, > 50% and > 66% of the network. As a reminder, an entity owning over 33% of the stake can successfully prevent the system from finalizing, until its stake "leaks" due to penalties or unless it is forked out of the system.
nakamoto_df['Cumulative Percentage Proposed'] = nakamoto_df['Percentage Proposed'].cumsum()
display_table = nakamoto_df.head(10)
index = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
display_table[''] = index
Proposer | Number of Blocks Produced | Percentage Proposed | Cumulative Percentage Proposed | |
1 | Kraken | 2278 | 0.129956 | 0.129956 |
2 | Binance | 832 | 0.047464 | 0.177420 |
3 | Whale | 628 | 0.035826 | 0.213247 |
4 | Lido | 531 | 0.030293 | 0.243539 |
5 | Bitcoin Suisse | 466 | 0.026585 | 0.270124 |
6 | 0xa76a7d0d06754e4fc4941519d1f9d56fd9f8d53b | 446 | 0.025444 | 0.295567 |
7 | Stakefish | 428 | 0.024417 | 0.319984 |
8 | | 365 | 0.020823 | 0.340807 |
9 | 0x00444797ba158a7bdb8302e72da98dcbccef0fbc | 252 | 0.014376 | 0.355183 |
10 | Huobi | 225 | 0.012836 | 0.368019 |
table_nakamoto = [['Number of parties needed to collude to control > 33%', len(nakamoto_df[nakamoto_df['Cumulative Percentage Proposed'] <= 0.33]) + 1], ['Number of parties needed to collude to control > 50%', len(nakamoto_df[nakamoto_df['Cumulative Percentage Proposed'] <= 0.50]) + 1], ['Number of parties needed to collude to control > 66%', len(nakamoto_df[nakamoto_df['Cumulative Percentage Proposed'] <= 0.66]) + 1]]
print(tabulate(table_nakamoto, tablefmt='fancy_grid'))
╒══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╤═════╕ │ Number of parties needed to collude to control > 33% │ 8 │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼─────┤ │ Number of parties needed to collude to control > 50% │ 31 │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼─────┤ │ Number of parties needed to collude to control > 66% │ 309 │ ╘══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╧═════╛
Thus, the Nakamoto score of the system is 31, meaning that at least 31 parties need to come together in order to take control of 51% of the network.
However the minimum number of parties needed to colluto to control more than 33% of the network is just 8 meaning that with just 8 entities, liveness can be indefinitely delayed.
To cause extreme damage to the system, an attacker would need at least 66% control over the network which can only be achieved if at least 309 entities come together and collude.
The final metric we look at is the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index. This metric is known to measure the size of the staking pools in relation to the collective size of the entire ETH Staking industry. It is also an indication of the amount of competition among staking entities.
The formula to calculate this score is as follows:
$$ H = \sum_{i=1}^{N} s_{i}^2 $$where $s_{i}$ is the percentage of ETH staked by entity $i$ and $N$ represents the total number of staking entities.
In order to make sense of the different values for this index, we can use the table given below as a reference
table_hhi_reference = [['H below 0.01:', 'highly competitive industry'], ['H below 0.15:', 'unconcentrated industry'], ['H between 0.15 to 0.25:', 'moderate concentration'], [' H above 0.25:', 'high concentration']]
print(tabulate(table_hhi_reference, tablefmt='fancy_grid'))
╒═════════════════════════╤═════════════════════════════╕ │ H below 0.01: │ highly competitive industry │ ├─────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤ │ H below 0.15: │ unconcentrated industry │ ├─────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤ │ H between 0.15 to 0.25: │ moderate concentration │ ├─────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤ │ H above 0.25: │ high concentration │ ╘═════════════════════════╧═════════════════════════════╛
We continue to use the data that we initially collected for measuring the Gini coefficient but this time keeping only the 'Proposer' and 'Percentage Proposed' columns.
When we calculate the HHI index using the above formula this is what we get:
hhi_df = nakamoto_df[['Proposer', 'Number of Blocks Produced']]
temp = 0
for i in hhi_df['Percentage Proposed']:
temp += i**2
hhi_score = temp
table_gini = [['Herfindahl–Hirschman Index', hhi_score]]
print(tabulate(table_gini, tablefmt='fancy_grid'))
╒════════════════════════════╤═══════════╕ │ Herfindahl–Hirschman Index │ 0.0252203 │ ╘════════════════════════════╧═══════════╛
Going by the table, this is indicative of a very competitive industry which is highly unconcentrated. This might be due to the fact that in our dataset we have included a large "ocean" of validators who have produced only one or two blocks during the range of epochs we have considered.
It would also be useful for us to measure the extent of competition among only the 10 largest staking entities to see how competitive each individual entity is and more importantly how collusion-proof they are, which is in a way safeguarding the security of the protocol by having wealth distributed among many "atomic players" instead of just a single entity. A good parallel to this is an Oligarchy vs an Autocracy.
hhi_df_further = nakamoto_df[['Proposer', 'Number of Blocks Produced']].head(10)
hhi_df_further['Percentage Proposed'] = (hhi_df_further['Number of Blocks Produced']/hhi_df_further['Number of Blocks Produced'].sum())
temp = 0
for i in hhi_df_further['Percentage Proposed']:
# print(i)
temp += i**2
hhi_score = temp
table_gini = [['Herfindahl–Hirschman Index for the 10 largest staking entities', hhi_score]]
print(tabulate(table_gini, tablefmt='fancy_grid'))
╒════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╤══════════╕ │ Herfindahl–Hirschman Index for the 10 largest staking entities │ 0.177926 │ ╘════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╧══════════╛
Mathematically finding the HHI by taking 10 of the largest staking entities would give a lowest possible value of 0.1. The score we get by applying this to PoS Ethereum is around 0.178.
The major shortcoming of our analysis is that the time period of 550 epochs might be too small to accurately estimate the distribution of block rewards among proposers.
In order to overcome this shortcoming we propose to collect data for a larger epoch period and also looking at these measurement quantities over time (daily, weekly and monthly)
This fortnight's version of the recurring Beacon Chain analysis, the format we follow is a little different from the previous editions. Instead of analysing the data from the past 14 days we:
1) Visualize how many deposits have been made to the Beacon Chain over time since May 24th
2) View how the validators have performed from May 24th till July 19th in terms of - participation rates and the number of blocks produced
In order to explore the trend in deposits over the past month or so, we use data starting from Epoch 39121 (May 24th, 8:54AM GMT) till Epoch 51630 (Jul 19th, 7:12AM GMT) and plot our usual graph to get a sense on how many deposits were made during this period.
As usual we start with processing our data
li = []
all_files = ["deposits 1.csv", "deposits 2.csv", "deposits 3.csv", "deposits 4.csv"]
use_cols = [0,1]
names = ["Epoch", "Deposits"]
for file in all_files:
df = pd.read_csv(file, header = None, names = names, usecols = use_cols)
df_deposits = pd.concat(li)
rng = np.random.default_rng(42)
df_deposits['temp'] = rng.uniform(0, 10, len(df_deposits["Epoch"]))
fig = px.scatter(
df_deposits[df_deposits["Deposits"] > 0], x = 'Epoch', y = 'temp', size = 'Deposits',
size_max = 20, labels = {"Epoch": "Epoch"})
We find that the number of large deposits made at discrete time periods is a bit higher during the first few sets of epochs.
Another intresting point to note is that judging by the size of the deposits, it is a fair assumption that at least at this range in time, the number of new validators staking through 3rd party staking services is much higher than new solo-stakers.
In order to analyze how the network has been performing in terms of this metric over time, we split the number of epochs into intervals of 225 epochs (1 Day) and plot the average participation rate for that time interval.
li = []
all_files = ["GPR1.csv", "GPR2.csv", "GPR3.csv", "GPR4.csv"]
use_cols = [0,1]
names = ["Epoch", "Participation Rate"]
for file in all_files:
df = pd.read_csv(file, header = None, names = names, usecols = use_cols)
df_participation_rate = pd.concat(li)
nan_value = float("NaN")
df_participation_rate.replace("", nan_value, inplace=True)
df_participation_rate.dropna(subset = ["Participation Rate"], inplace=True)
average_participation_list = []
df_list = []
x_axis_list = []
count = 0
for i in range(225,12364,225):
df_list.append(df_participation_rate[i - 225:i])
count += 1
for i in df_list:
average_participation_list.append(i['Participation Rate'].mean())
fig = px.line(x= x_axis_list, y= average_participation_list, title='Average participation rate in intervals of 225 Epochs (1 Day)', labels = {'x': 'Day', 'y': 'Average participation rate'})
We notice that the average participation rate per day infact varies quite stochastically without any visible pattern. However, this metric never went below 0.98 which is a sign of a healthy network.
Finally to assess the validators' performace over this time period, we plot a histogram that captures the number of times 'X' blocks were produced in an epoch.
li = []
all_files = ["BC1.csv", "BC2.csv", "BC3.csv", "BC4.csv"]
use_cols = [0,1]
names = ["Epoch", "Number of Blocks Produced"]
for file in all_files:
df = pd.read_csv(file, header = None, names = names, usecols = use_cols)
df_blocks_produced = pd.concat(li)
nan_value = float("NaN")
df_blocks_produced.replace("", nan_value, inplace=True)
df_blocks_produced.dropna(subset = ["Number of Blocks Produced"], inplace=True)
x = df_blocks_produced["Number of Blocks Produced"]
trace = go.Histogram(x=x)
layout = go.Layout(
title="Frequency of Blocks Produced"
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Data([trace]), layout=layout)
As expected, the number of blocks produced per epoch almost always was in the range of 31-32. There was, however one epoch during which this number fell all the way down to 20, the reason for which is worth exploring.